the southwester - Issue 03
Issue 03 / the returning light
Full of articles, interviews and contributions from ‘southwesters’ sharing their beliefs, wisdom, creative processes and more.
24 page tabloid size newspaper printed on 52gsm recycled newsprint.
Postage: UK - £1.55 / ROW - £5.00
Issue 03 / the returning light
Full of articles, interviews and contributions from ‘southwesters’ sharing their beliefs, wisdom, creative processes and more.
24 page tabloid size newspaper printed on 52gsm recycled newsprint.
Postage: UK - £1.55 / ROW - £5.00

Issue 03 / the returning light
Full of articles, interviews and contributions from ‘southwesters’ sharing their beliefs, wisdom, creative processes and more.
24 page tabloid size newspaper printed on 52gsm recycled newsprint.
Postage: UK - £1.55 / ROW - £5.00